Thursday, February 12, 2009

Megan Gaffney

It is not merely her beauty -- which makes me take in a deep breath when I see her (or rather, it is in spite of her beauty, which, in truth, might have made me secretly seething with envy, and maybe, in truth, it even did the first couple of times I saw her) -- that makes Kate Kita an exceptional, magical, inspring human being.
It is the depths of her thoughts, and her willingness to dive down into them with me, making me at once less alone in this blithering world, and more... well, more EVERYTHING. The way Kate explains the world, the fabric that is woven as she speaks, makes me more terrified, more excited, more enchanted.  It is the words she writes, that expose myself to me, sometimes in a harrowing way, sometimes in an uplifting way, but always in a never-before-thought-of way.  It is the way she makes everything more fun, because she is WILLING. This willingness pushes Kate to jump, hike, write, laugh, dance. When I see her so willing, I am willing too.
She makes me a better person by her example. I wish so, so, so much that I had had more time living in the same city as she lives. Confounding timing left me moving back to Brooklyn, just as she left for a magical mountain land.. It is my greatest hope that somehow, some way, I get to live close to her one of these days. I can only imagine, by the way she affects me from afar, the wondrous turn by life would take were she close by!

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